She's on the Move!

She's only 4.5 months old and has been doing this for a few weeks now. I guess she watches too many other kids moving around here. Time to pick up those Legos!

She's downright proud of herself, too.

Plimoth Plantation

The kids were watching Fetch with Ruff Ruffman yesterday and saw a second-long clip of Plimoth Plantation. "Mom! We went there!" The look of excitement on their faces gave me the motivation I needed to pull out these photos from our summer vacation to Plymouth and do some scrapping.

Credits: Kit CinnamonTea by Miss Mint (this is a FREE download this month)
Fonts: Calligrapher and Primer Print

Praying Mantis

K and V discovered a praying mantis on our window screen yesterday. Unlike our spider, this insect was actually inside the screen. After convincing V that we did not need to smack this bug with the fly swatter even though it was more than 4 inches long, we learned some things about this odd-looking creature with the help of our insect field guide and the internet.
- It is otherwise known as a Chinese mantid.
- It catches other insects with its front legs and holds them to its mouth to eat them. The large ones in the tropics have been known to eat tree frogs, mice, and hummingbirds.
- Its front legs are not poised to pray, but poised to prey. (we've been learning about homophones, too)
- It is one of the few insects that can turn its head, and it can turn its head a full 180 degrees.

We also learned by observation that they CAN FLY!! It took us by surprise at first when he flew off of my hand and past our heads towards the kitchen light. When we let him go outdoors after his photo session, he flew over our neighbors' house to a large pine tree on the other side.
I thought the most interesting thing to watch him do was clean himself. He would put his "foot" in his "mouth" and then rub his eyes and head much like a cat would.

That was our hands-on (or maybe we should say on-hands) science lesson for the day.

Family Self-Portrait

C and J will be starting preschool on Monday, and we were told they needed a family picture to bring with them. So here we are on Sunday afternoon posing in front of our unmanned camera trying to convince the kids to all look at that blinking light all at the same time.