Christmas Concert

Siah's violin teacher holds a concert each year at Christmas time to allow her students a chance to perform as a group for an audience. It is usually great fun. Last year, Siah had just started and was learning to hold the violin and the bow, but this year he actually got to play along with several of the songs. Isn't he sweet?

Another Huge Christmas Freebie

It is going to take me YEARS to use all of the Christmas freebies I'm finding this year. Another collaborative mega kit is online this week. Check it out here: Christmas Around The World.

New Source for Scrapbooking Freebies

I happened across a blog that not only lists freebies, but includes a preview of them as well. Plus there is a new post EVERY DAY. DigiFree is powered by a sophisticated computerized search engine that searches for freebies on blogs.

Currently there is also a huge collaborative freebie kit "One Night In Bethlehem" that is being hosted by 16 different designers. They have committed to keeping their freebies up from Dec. 1 until Dec. 7, so if you want parts of these freebies, you need to jump on it this week.