Miah's Growing Up

Going . . .
Going . . .

Sticks in the Sewer

We had a similar problem a couple of years ago - stuff stuck down the air vent to the sewer pipe outside in our flower bed. Meister has this uncontrollable urge to throw things down little white pipes after taking the caps off of them. Before it was several sippee cups. This time it was an assortment of sticks, dirt, rocks, water balloons, and scrap wood. We had been wondering why the toilet seemed to be flushing funny. Today we found out, the sewer backed up right down the drain pipe that the washing machine drains into and straight out into our laundry room. GROSS! We used nearly a whole bottle of bleach cleaning it up, and only lost a few boxes of pasta and a few miscellaneous stuff that I probably would have gotten rid of when I got to the decluttering of the basement.

Poor Pete had to come home and rescue us again. He's such a hero in my opinion!

By the Way - If any of you know why blogger decides to randomly post my entries in single spaced format instead of double spaced format, please clue me in!

First Day of Co-op

Today was the first day of our homeschool co-op classes. If you could have seen me this morning, I felt a little out of sorts trying to get all four backpack-ridden children into the building and to their correct classrooms.

I've been working with Meister for the last couple of weeks to prepare him for the dramatic routine change. Due to his tumultuous start in life, he tends to be very anxious about routine changes. To ease him through this transition, I printed out a color-coded schedule of his K4 activities for him to keep with him, although by the time we actually went, he had the thing memorized. Everytime I checked on him throughout the day, he was calmly participating in whatever activity the rest of the class was doing. Once we got home, rather than the bouncing, climbing, always-moving-not-sure-how-to-deal-with-my-anxiety Meister, I had a quiet, calm, cuddley, don't-want-to-leave-mom Meister.

V's most exciting part of the day was discovering that mom bought him a recorder to learn to play during Music class. He could hardly wait to play a song for us - so we listened to recorder music on the way home. AND for the next 20 minutes or so AFTER we got home. I have to admit, though, that the recorder is much easier to listen to than that trumpet of his!

K is currently singing about her friends. She is such a social butterfly as her father calls her. For the last half hour she has been jabbering non-stop about this friend or that, things that happened during classes, counting how many friends she has now, ect. She is at co-op solely for the social aspect. So far I approve heartily of all of her choices for friends, and it is so good for her to get some normal girl-time.

Then there is Miah, my big Kindergartener. He is acting so grown up, and is begging to be taught to read, write, do math, music, spelling - basically anything under the "school" category. He brought home a "Treasure Box", treasure map, and an ant habitat complete with google-eyed pom-pom ant.

And last, but not least, is little Gus. She lived up to her real name in the nursery today. All the cribs were taken, worker's arms were full, she was sooo tired, but content to just chill out on the floor with her pacifier and blanket. She only fussed once when another little girl started playing with a dolly she had previously claimed as "hers". Oh - and the time at the very end when I knocked a toy off of a shelf which landed on her forehead and gave her a huge goose-egg. I felt so bad. :-(