Mother's Day Portraits

We spent this past week working on portraits of each of the kids to update the grandmothers' picture frames. The owners of Rocky Acre Farm B&B gave us permission to come and take the portraits on their property. After 3 trips for picture taking, I finally got at least one good one of each of the kids. Here they are:


Jodi said...

It's like deja vu! ;)

Great pix! I bet the moms loved them.

5/14/2007 6:40 AM  

Those pictures are GREAT! Can I ask, what kind of camera you have? I always have trouble w/lighting when I try to do them on my own--but the last "portraits" I have of my kiddos are over 4 years ago.

You've inspired me! Great photos!

5/18/2007 4:55 PM