Luna Moth

Luna Moth (Actias luna)

Outside a window of our lodge, my sister discovered this beautiful moth and called us all to see it. After a little googling, we learned that "these beautiful members of the Giant Silk Moth family feed as caterpillars on walnut and other trees and overwinter in a cocoon on the ground. Like other giant silk moths, they do not feed as adults and live only about a week or so. They rest during the day, usually well-hidden in the green vegetation, fly at night, and are quite attracted to lights." This particular one measured about 5" wide with its wings extended. Pretty cool!


Jodi said...

Do I get to weigh in on the who-took-a-better-photo argument? Nah, on second thought I'd better stay out of it. ;)

6/22/2007 8:15 PM