There were actually several versions of this layout before I got to one that I felt did justice to the portrait. I'm still working on the side that will be facing this page. I'm hoping to include some of the basic stuff we use during bathtime. It may be boring to us, but when S gets older she may enjoy seeing all the "antique" stuff we used.
- 911 (1)
- adoption (7)
- archeology (2)
- autumn (1)
- aviation (1)
- baking (1)
- bath (1)
- bicycle (1)
- birthday (8)
- boys (1)
- C (2)
- cake (4)
- cat (3)
- Cathy Harris (1)
- celery (1)
- children's ministry (1)
- Christmas (5)
- cleaning (1)
- climbing (1)
- clothes pin (1)
- co-op (1)
- comment (1)
- cookie cutter (1)
- cowboy (1)
- creative writing (2)
- creeping (1)
- Dan (1)
- desk (1)
- dig (1)
- dinosaur (1)
- Ecuador (2)
- experiments (1)
- fall (1)
- family portrait (3)
- field trip (2)
- Focus (1)
- folding (1)
- food (2)
- foster (1)
- freebie (5)
- friendship (1)
- Grin (1)
- grown up (1)
- helping (1)
- history (3)
- homeschool (2)
- housework (1)
- insects (1)
- iPod (1)
- IUAFN (1)
- J (2)
- Jim (1)
- Jo (2)
- K (11)
- kids say (6)
- Lancaster County (1)
- Landis Valley (1)
- laundry (1)
- layout (19)
- Mary Jemison (1)
- Massachusetts (1)
- meister (19)
- miah (11)
- miah muse (1)
- Mother's Day Portraits (1)
- muffins (2)
- Niece (1)
- NY vacation (3)
- outtakes (1)
- painting (2)
- penguin (2)
- photography (1)
- piano (1)
- plymouth (2)
- portrait (2)
- praying mantis (1)
- Project 365 (7)
- pumpkin (1)
- RAD (1)
- rock (1)
- Rocky (2)
- role play (1)
- s (21)
- safety pin (1)
- Sage (2)
- sauerkraut (1)
- scheduling (1)
- school (5)
- science (4)
- scrapbook (15)
- Shadrach (2)
- Siah (2)
- sketch (1)
- smile (1)
- snake (1)
- snow (1)
- socks (1)
- spider (1)
- supper (1)
- surgery (4)
- teeth (3)
- timeline (1)
- tongue (1)
- tradition (1)
- tree (1)
- Tut (1)
- Ukraine (2)
- V (16)
- vacation (3)
- violin (3)
- visit (1)
- water (1)
- Wiscoy Creek Lodge (1)
- x-ray (3)
I've been reading Charlotte's Web to the kids and today we found our own Charlotte.Here's an exerpt:
"You mean you eat flies?" gasped Wilbur.
"Certainly. Flies, bugs, grasshoppers, choice beetles, moths, butterflies, tasty cockroaches, gnats, midges, daddy longlegs, centipedes, mosquitoes, crickets -- anything that is careless enough to get caught in my web. I have to live, don't I?"
"Why, yes, of course," said Wilbur. "Do they taste good?"
"Delicious. Of course, I don't really eat them. I drink them -- drink their blood. I love blood," said Charlotte, and her pleasant, thin voice grew even thinner and more pleasant.
EEEEWWWWWW! So glad our dear Charlotte is OUTside!
On this layout, my new technique was the text around the silhouette. Photoshop Elements 4.0 does not have the ability to create lines of text that follow a path. So I asked my personal Photoshop expert (who happens to be the photographer in the layout) to create the text path for me. Once I opened the revised file back up in PSE, I was able to edit the font and text as needed.
Caught this one last night after S's bath. The only light was flourescent off to the side, so I took these in RAW format which gives me a lot more choices in fixing the color cast the flourescents create. Unfortunately the pictures are too noisy (grainy) to be able to sell on any of the microstock photography sites.
I dread suppertime. I dread the whole ordeal: figuring out what to make, clearing off enough counter space to work, putting it all together, setting the table, and serving it. Lately I've been trying to make it all ahead of time to avoid making supper while "Mom, I'm hungry!" and "When is it suppertime?" ring in the air.
Yesterday I made chili and put it in the crockpot long before lunch. Hubby was going to be working until after bedtime, so I prepared for handling supper solo. After a late afternoon doctor appointment, I returned with all five kids, and starting dishing chili into their bowls. I discovered via finger-lick test that the chili was much, much spicier than my kiddos would tolerate. Back-up plan? Can of soup and grilled cheese.
While I was toasting the sandwiches on the griddle, my ears were assaulted by many sounds. "Mom, I need help!" from J in the toy room. S was protesting sleep in her crib. K was pounding on the side door to tell me that V and C were pulling levers, pushing buttons and pretending to ride on dad's new riding lawn mower. Ignoring the first two, I walked outside to inform V and C that they were not allowed to "push buttons, pull levers, sit on the seat, lid, grass bags, mower deck, or otherwise touch in any way dad's riding mower." (gotta cover the all the possibilities)
As I attempted to return to the sandwiches on the griddle, I realized that the side door was still locked. Scooting around the house to the front door, I walked in and smelled the charring of the grilled cheese. I flipped them over to confirm that they really were as black as I suspected, and groaned as tears filled my eyes.
V and K had followed me into the house and witnessed my reaction. "Mom, it's OK. We can eat burnt sandwiches. If we dip them, we won't even be able to taste the burnt stuff." was V's reaction. K didn't like that idea very much being a pickier eater, so she offered to finish supper for me. "I can do it, Mom. You'll see that I'm pretty good at making supper."
I handed K the flipper, and walked away to tend to the crying baby. After settling her down, I found the fortitude to walk back into the kitchen where K was toasting the unburnt sides of the sandwiches and V was hovering nearby to help when he could. I helped K peel the burnt sides of the sandwiches off (dropping one on the floor in the process), and she replaced them with fresh pieces of bread. I placed the warmed soup on the table, found bowls, and walked out the door. I was done. finished.
K and V handled supper beautifully. They called the younger ones for supper, served the sandwiches and soup, and left me in solitude weeding the front flower garden. By the time everyone was finished, I had recuperated and was ready to take on being Mommy again. My crushed spirits had just been rescued by my sweet, sweet 7 and 8 year olds.

Fiber Knots: Atomic Cupcake
All the other elements and papers were created by Gina Cabrera of Digital Design Essentials
With the addition of a baby to our household came new twists to my favorite hobbies: scrapbooking and photography. My traditional paper scrapping has morphed into full-blown digital scrapping, and I've recently discovered the addicting world of micro-stock photography. I guess my ever-inspiring friend got tired of trying to keep track of my newest time-eating crazes because she hounded me until I finally agreed to start a blog. So now you can join me as I discover the nuances of digital photography and scrapbooking, as I uncover the joys (hopefully) of being a first-year homeschooling mom, and as I observe the personalities and quirks of all five children God has placed into our home.
I'll start with posting a couple of my digital layouts so far.