Christmas Stars

The kids and I were taking the tree down and putting away Christmas decorations today. As we were packing up the kids' homemade ornaments I marvelled again at these pretty stars. They seem to have so much more appeal to me than those reindeer made of popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners. K and V made these in Sunday school this year, and I actually really like them.

As for the technical side of taking a photograph like this, the lighting is very tricky and I obviously don't have it figured out yet. The shadows were terribly distracting, but if I add too much light the reflections of light on some of the beads were overexposed. I could spend an hour or two in Photoshop selecting the ornaments and literally deleting the background, but the infinite number of nooks and crannies . . . ugh!


Jodi said...

Ha, technical side? Did you see my photo for today? I have no idea how to get something like that to look "good" in a photo.

Those ornaments ARE pretty. Perhaps if we'd made those when we were kids, my mom wouldn't have relegated our homemade creations to the back of the tree "where grandma can see them".

1/02/2007 10:11 PM