Stuck in the Basement

I voluntarily came down into the basement about an hour ago in order to make some phone calls. Just a minute ago, I climbed to the top of the steps to get my to-do list, and realized I am stuck in the basement.

My clues? Stuff that was in the living room but belongs in the basement is lining the top steps. Sounds of chairs moving and a broom sweeping. A sign on the basement door that says, "Your Private Downstairs". No fighting. No arguing. Peace and calm.

Not wanting to ruin what I am hoping is a crew of children trying to surprise me by cleaning the upstairs, I am now gladly stuck in the basement. I think I'll go lay down for a rest -- after I wipe the tears of joy from my eyes.


Marti said...

Awwwww...that's awesome!

7/30/2007 3:34 PM