Thanksgiving Blessing

Our church holds a Thanksgiving Eve service with a traditional time for sharing what God has done over the previous year. The sharing includes tough stuff - deaths, sicknesses, ect. but also includes more lighthearted things as well. One little boy was thankful for his 5 kitties and shared each name with us. After Meister saw that Pastor Jeff was sharing the microphone with kids, he desperately wanted a chance to speak to the crowd.

"Mom, Can I say something too?"

"What are you going to say?"

Meister shrugs his shoulders.

"You can if you can tell about something that you are really happy or thankful for. Can you think of anything?"

Meister nods his head.

"Whisper it to me first, OK?" I had to check make sure it was appropriate. He whispered what he was thinking, and I tearily agreed that he could raise his hand for the microphone.

Pastor Jeff brought the microphone over to Meister who excitedly took it in his hand. Enjoying the way his voice was broadcast over the entire room, he said, "Well . . . I got 'dopted by Pete and Julie!"

Wow! Talk about making 300 hearts melt! Pete was getting teary-eyed. Pastor Jeff was blinking back tears. And the whole audience applauded. What a gift to us especially since we hadn't been talking about being thankful for adoption. That was totally out of his own sweet little heart.