Back into Ministry

After 5 years, it seems God has called Pete back into full-time ministry. Almost two months ago the elders of our church approached Pete requesting that he apply for the position of Interim Children's Ministry Director. After the application and interviewing process, the elders agreed to officially offer the position to Pete, and he accepted. The announcement was made during church this morning.

Personally, I look forward to having Pete home a bit more often. He was working 55+ hrs at his job plus putting in numerous hours this summer working with Junior camp, VBS, planning for this fall's AWANA program, ect. On the flip side, Pete's new more fluid schedule will be a change for our household.

So now that I have our school books for this year chosen and ordered, I'm facing the daunting task of scheduling our days. I was getting most everything done last year - schooling two kids, cleaning, cooking, ect. but not nearly as well as I would have liked. I wasn't often free of my to-do lists to just relax and enjoy my time with the family. This year I am teaching 3rd grade AND kindergarten AND have a very busy little girl to keep track of.

Now if I can get this all figured out in time to catch the free laminating at Office Max, I'll be set!


Shelly said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you all! (Though, I totally understand, Julie, about the scheduling - I get very little done when John happens to be home. Not exactly sure why though!!)

8/13/2007 12:07 PM