Pancakes & Peas

Meister has a love/hate relationship with foods. There was a time when he would gag on anything green. We've patiently pushed and stretched his palate so that now he will at least eat one or two bites of anything green. Well, Meister pleasantly shocked me the other night. Pete was dishing out spoonfulls of peas, gave Meister a generous spoonful and Meister said, "Can I have some more please?" He ended up with a large pile of peas on his plate and the best part - He Ate Every Little Pea.

As much he hated green things, Meister L-O-V-E-S pancakes. He'll ask me at bedtime the night before if I'll make pancakes for breakfast the next morning. When we're at the library, he'll scan the shelves for pancake books. Then when it is time to read, he'll pick out - yep, the pancake books. He knows all the ingredients, and can gather them all for me. If food was one of the five love languages, I would have no problem figuring out how Meister gives and receives love.


Jodi said...

Yay! He's still eating peas!

I assume he's read the book If You Give a Pig a Pancake, but I thought I'd check to make sure.

8/25/2007 9:22 AM  
Anonymous said...