Sticky Socks Please

One of my most frustrating part of my life these days is getting everyone ready to go somewhere. Inevitably one or two of the kids will be unable to find a matching pair of socks. Why, oh why don't those silly socks like to stick together? Why is it that one can be outside under the trampoline while the other is on the bathroom floor? One can be just inside the side door while the match to it is under the couch in the living room?

Does anyone have any good tips for me? What do you do with unmated socks? Any good suggestions for helping preschoolers remember not to run outside in their stocking feet?
This portrait was also taken by K

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Jodi said...

My unmatched socks end up in a drawer to (hopefully) await their mates. I find that usually the lost piece is coming along in another load of laundry, although I do have about half a dozen socks in the drawer that have been lonely for months now. As for what to do with the unmatched ones . . . well, Margie doesn't mind wearing mismatched socks. And there's always sock puppets. :oP

10/15/2006 10:19 PM